Hey動画 みさき

歌舞伎町のキャバ嬢さん。自称お姉ギャルのかわいこちゃんだが、彼氏はいないらしく「いまは別にいらないかも」。お店のお客さんから誘われると断れない性質で、しょっちゅうお持ち帰りされているとか。まあ、最低5回は通わないとダメだそうだが…。これだけハイレベルな女の子とセックスできて実にラッキーだった。本人の感想は「気持ちよかったです」。A cabaret girl in Kabukicho. She's a cute girl who calls herself a caretaker、 but she doesn't seem to have a boyfriend、 "I don't think I need one right now. She says she can't say no to customers who ask her out、 and she's often taken home. She says he has to go to the store at least five times…. I was very lucky to have sex with such a high-level girl. He said、 "It felt good.


