逞しい肉体が可能にする漢の体位「駅弁」!台所からドスの効いたかけ声と、聞いたことのないような母の吐息が聞こえてきて、恐る恐る戸を開けて見てみたら…。自称文系男子好きの母が…やっぱり、抱かれるならガッチリ系の男らしい方が良いってことなのか…Ekiben、 a Han position made possible by his muscular body! I heard a husky call from the kitchen and my mother's breath、 which I had never heard before、 and I opened the door to see her…. My mother、 a self-proclaimed lover of men of letters… I guess that means that if I'm going to be held、 I'd rather be held by a manly man with a gangly physique…