童顔でかわいいタイプの学生さん。声はやや低音のハスキー。深夜のカラオケでバイトしてるそうだが、稼いだお金は洋服代とケータイ代に。あそび疲れているらしく、時間があればすぐ寝たいともらしていた。いちおう寝ないで最後まで相手をしてくれたので感謝。本人の感想は「よかったです」。She is a beautiful type of cabaret girl. Her buttocks are well-shaped and soft and puffy like her breasts. Her breasts are a little on the small side、 but her nipples are a little sensitive. She seemed to be used to men、 probably because of her profession. She hadn't had sex in a month. It's been a long time since I've had sex、 so it was fun、" she said.