「優」は不倫相手の若い男に夢中。彼女の言動を怪しく感じた夫は彼女を尾行し不倫セックスの一部始終を目の当たりにする。しかし夫のチンポは勃起してしまう。そんな事はつゆ知らず、自宅で行為を繰り返す「優」。ある日、情事の後で枕トークを楽しむ彼女らに夫がベッドの下から襲い掛かる…。Yu is infatuated with a young man with whom she is having an affair. Her husband、 who finds her behavior suspicious、 follows her and witnesses the whole affair. However、 her husband's cock becomes erect. Unaware of this、 Yuu repeats the act at home. One day、 while they are enjoying pillow talk after their affair、 her husband attacks them from under the bed…